Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day

We all know that being a parent doesn't come with an instruction manual, and the one found at doesn't really cut it. Somehow my parents raised me well. I have a feeling they learned how from their parents' example, not a website. In honor of Father's Day, I'd like to share a few of the things my parents taught me.

Daddy taught me (through example):
to love Mama.
to respect Mama.
to respect myself.

to do my chores.
One appreciates what one works for (or pays for).

I'm worth waiting for.

to budget my money.

be generous.
unconditional love and forgiveness.

to pray to God while making the best decision I can.

my daddy is the strongest man I know; God is stronger.
I can always come home.
hard work usually leads to more hard work.
don't quit.

success comes from hard work.

Mama taught me (through example):
to love Daddy.

to respect Daddy.

to respect myself.
to show love and affection to my spouse.
to think for myself.

to ask questions.
that a strong, independent woman submits to God's (and her husband's) authority
to stand up for myself.
always do my best.

to never borrow money.

save for a rainy day.
unconditional love and forgiveness.

God is all
powerful and all loving.
I can do anything I want, if I try my hardest and do my best.

I am loved, and special no matter what.

Being part of this family means unconditional love, support, encouragement, safety, work, and security.

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