Thursday, March 20, 2008

Up Tooo Late - Is that too many os? I'm cross eyed

Yeah, nothing to post. I just spend the last, um lets see...darn it, it's waaaaaaaaaay to late for me to be doing MATH! jsut spent the last 15.5 hours on the computer typing for my Natl. Board Certification.
Yeah, Yeah, I know: focus on the money. But I wont' get andy of it, teh gvt will in tezsses. thta's if i pass, adn at this pointk, i'm jsu tworrying about finishing. I've forgotten why I"m eveng odin git. Oh yea, I go tthe swcholarshipa dn If id otn' fisnish I'll wo the state of ok #3000 (and they want all of it - not sans taxes.)
Mhy fiance says i can pay thelm the money, but it comes out of the weding budget. it might ee woth ith just to be able to paln teh wedding. i haven't done antig fn for...wait, um..ets's see ok now more math. let's jsut saty the entier month of March. And it's oen of my faves.
Let me tell you, come april, it's on! A[rol showers bring much happiness! Hye, those last for woeds were coherentn. cool, I think.
I promise Ihven't beend ridkng anyting except coffee; it's just been a loooooooong day!
goingt o night-ntie now.
much sleepy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grrr! I've forgotten how to post!