Friday, October 17, 2008


I just finished chapter 8. Wow! It's starting to get good. I should eat lunch, but I don't want to get food on my book.

Here's something I like about Stephenie's style: she leaves plenty of holes and allows you to assume things. Now I may be wrong about my assumptions, but it's enjoyable to read and guess. Even if I'm wrong, I'm still enjoying the anticipation.
Because I'm a neck-up kinda girl, this is my favorite line so far: It was a colossal tribute to his face that it kept my eyes away from his body.
And it's a colossal tribute to my love for my husband that I picture him when I read the name Edward.
However, I don't think any actor is going to live up to the image most female readers have in mind when they read Edward.
Chapter 12. Every time she describes how handsome Edward is (she just used the word angel) I'm reminded of how appealing satan is. Then I think, maybe I shouldn't be trusting Edward. Maybe he's just lulling her into a false sense of security... Maybe my initial label of Jerk still stands?

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