Thursday, January 29, 2009

"Let's Get Po-li-ti-cal, Po-lit-i-cal!"*

I was surprised to hear it, but Rush Limbaugh had an op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal.

Click here to read the Obama-Limbaugh Bipartisan Stimulus Plan.

In a nutshell, Rush wants to apply about half the intended $900 billion (54% = $486 B) to the government programs the President has already proposed (infrastructure and pork) and the other half (46% = $414 B) towards tax cuts (as determined by Mr. Limbaugh).**

It's sort of an experiment. If this is done, then we can see which actually stimualtes the economy. If both work, then more the better.***

Click here to find links to email your congressmen/women.

*sung to the tune of "Let's Get Physical" by Olivia Newton John. Gross video. I'm warning you!

**These percents are based on the general election results. 53% of American's voted for President Obama; 46% voted for McCain (1% voted for "other").

*** Michael Scott would say it's a "Win-win-win."

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