Saturday, June 26, 2010

"How I Spent My Seventieth Birthday" by Daddy Towers (ghost written by his daughter)

Awoke at 6 a.m.
Ran two miles.
Milked the cow.
Fed the 18 calves and loaded them to take to the sale (even "Old Skinny").
Weeded garden.
Picked zucchini.
Ate breakfast (That's right, folks; all of that was before breakfast!) of brown rice, skimmed milk, blackberries and wheat germ.
Washed dishes.
Unloaded elm logs from back of trailer.
Broke up concrete from base of pole and filled in hole on way to back garden.
Weeded in back garden.
Picked squash.
Put hat on scarecrow.
Unloaded 1/2 load of grass from tailer.
Went to cattle auction.
Sold nine steers, nine heifers. "Old Skinny" went for $0.46/lb.
Lunch at sale barn: grease burgers (talk about fresh!).
Deposited cattle check @ bank in South Coffeyville.
Home for birthday pie and ice cream dessert.
Talked to 'dozer man' about hold in pond dam.
Took nap
Finished unloading trailer.
Fed and counted remaining 20 heifers, 69 steers, 16 cows and 2 bulls.
Loaded wood for daughter to take home.
Messed with the blind steer.
Dinner of fresh veggies from the garden.
Tomorrow it's back to work. You can't treat every day like it's your birthday.

1 comment:

Aaron said...

Wow. That's quite a full day! I love that picture of him holding himself horizontal on the pole. Pretty impressive for a 70 year old! Doesn't look or act like a day over 50!