Monday, June 28, 2010

To Own a Dragon ~ Donald Miller

I liked Miller's conversational style of writing. I have also read Blue Like Jazz, which is written much the same, and is a memoir of his relationship with religion. This book explores his relationship with himself, God, and his lack of a father. Don put deep spiritual ideas in a fresh voice that allowed me to hear them again and think about them in a new way.

I have often wondered how people without a father relate to God as father. Miller is honest in his exploration of his own life and his search for validation. Even as a woman who grew up with a father, I learned more about who God is as a father, and that he's fathering me. My relationship with my earthly father is, as Miller puts it, just a "grunt" at the deep, permanent, unconditional relationship my Heavenly Father wants to have with me. Miller tells as story of a temper tantrum his mentor John's daughter threw one night at dinner. She didn't want to eat what John's wife had prepared, and chose to roll on the floor, cry, and ask, "Dad, how could you do this to me?" It's funny when a child doesn't understand that her parents aren't torturing her; they truly want what is best for her (in this case broccoli). Miller compares this to me, when I demand the same question of God. I forget that God isn't torturing me over this job, car, relationship; he truly wants what is best for me. Even if I can't see it; God wants what is best for me. Even better, he knows what is best for me. To quote, "If God was withholding something from me, it meant I could trust him rather than cry out, 'How could you do this to me?'" (Easier said than done.)

As a teacher, I appreciated his chapter on education. It reminded me that I am a missionary in public schools and can show students hope and validation. This is a relationship that again can only "grunt" at the relationship God wants with them, but if I can even give a "grunt" it might get them closer to that perfect relationship. I can show them that someone believes in them and thinks they're capable of success.

And yes, I did notice that the last two books I read were both written by D. Miller. Here are links to their websites:
Donald Miller Don Miller Is
Donalyn Miller The Book Whisperer

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